Oct 27, 2020
Chest pain is common, and there is no agreement on how best to approach it. In this interview, Michelle O’Donoghue, Pamela Douglas, and Shashank Sinha discuss whether computed tomography angiography or stress test is the best diagnostic for chest pain.
Oct 20, 2020
In this interview, Freek Verheugt and Paulus Kirchhof discuss EAST-AFNET 4: Effects of Early Rhythm Control Therapy in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation from ESC Congress 2020. The results of EAST-AFNET 4 could redefine the role of rhythm control therapy for improved outcomes in patients with early atrial fibrillation.
Oct 12, 2020
Flu prevention with appropriate use of the influenza vaccine is more important than ever.
In this interview, Matthew Martinez, Nihar Desai, and Michelle Kelsey discuss flu shots and cardiovascular disease prevention for Fall 2020. Does coronavirus alter anything?
Oct 12, 2020
In this interview, Alison Bailey, Xiaowen “Wendy” Wang, and Matt Cavender discuss the importance of masking in the COVID-19 era.
Oct 12, 2020
In this interview, Mario Gaudino, Gregg Stone, and Deepak Bhatt discuss left main revascularization and scientific issues for optimal patient care decisions.